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Providing the antidote to the everyday snake bite: The common cold. The hangover. The snooze alarm. Juicebrothers create products that not only revive your mind and body, but defend your mind and body.

Giving you the organic, cold-pressed ability to resist anything life throws at you. Lama Lama created a fresh webshop that boosted sales and time spend on site.

We showcased the beauty of this organic product with an awarded level of craft, turning a simple sale into a nutritious experience.


Faker Agency


Awwwards Honorable Mention
Mobile Of The Week

With frozen and cold visuals of the entire product range, we kept the juices looking fresh, fresh, fresh!

Certified organic, plant-based, recycled plastic, no additives and no nonsense. A website just like JuiceBrothers’ products; bold yet smooth and fuelled for success.

The JuiceBrothers have come a long way since 2015. Already well represented with 8 shops in the Netherlands, they’ve now expanded across the Atlantic towards the USA with stores in New York and Memphis. With a well recognized and awarded webshop, they’re bound for some more healthy expansion in the future. Cheers.