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DASH is the tech accelerator of The Works. Home to successful international work brands like YoungCapital, YoungCapital Next, StudentJob and

Brands that changed the game through groundbreaking technology. To connect people to work in the best way possible. Always striving to be

better, DASH presents itself as the almost best tech company. Which is why Lama Lama created the almost best tech website.

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Awwwards Developer Site
Awwwards Site Of The Day

The almost best tech company is all about keeping it real. Connected with an art direction that's unpolished and authentic.

So how does one create an almost best tech website? Goodbye precision and hello random creativity.

Away with the grid! All elements in the DASH website are there for you to shuffle, drag and delete. Images that run over text, making it unreadable? Yes! Team pictures stacked like a windows 95 error? Of course! Content stored in the code rather than the website itself? Fantastic!
The project resulted in recognition from the design and tech industry and most importantly, a big increase in attracting young talent.